I have done many projects using Service Management Automation and PowerShell. One specific error I haven’t seen so far in the job exception of the SMA runbook is this…
Experts Live Europe – Speaker
Once more I am very excited to be part of one of the best IT conferences in Europe – Experts Live Europe. The 3 conference days are taking place from August 23 – 25 in the Berlin Congress Center in Berlin Germany and will bring together the Microsoft IT Pro Community from all over the […]
SMA – Migrating SMA Runbooks (SMART Toolkit) Annoying Confirmation
To migrate SMA runbooks from one environment to another you probably want to use SMA Runbook Toolkit to export and import the runbooks and assets, you can find the download here. This toolkit is a collection of PowerShell scripts which are few years old but still work perfectly with SMA 2016. After you downloaded the […]
SMA Authoring Toolkit – Some Runbooks Are Not Showing Up
When you are creating runbooks in SMA (Service Management Automation) and you are using the SMA Authoring Toolkit available on PowerShell Gallery, you might have also have faced a very annoying bug. If you have a certain amount of runbooks in SMA and you are browsing through the runbook list in ISE you simply cannot […]
SMA – ISE Add-On Editing Runbooks
A couple of month ago Microsoft released the latest (updated) version of PowerShell 5.0 . Why is this worth writing about? Well, with every new release there are some fantastic goodies included, you just need to discover them :). One of these goodies is (my) long awaited runbook editing capability for ISE. In this post […]
SMA – Invoke Runbook Error “Cannot find the ‘’command.”
This is just a quick post about SMA. I bumped many times in this error while writing PowerShell workflows in SMA … …and I figured out that there are many reasons for this error. If you are nesting runbooks like this… Several reasons could lead to this problem: The child workflow does not exist in […]
SMA – Database Grooming Some Things You Should Know
SMA is Microsoft’s on-premise automation engine and the successor of Opalis / Orchestrator. We have utilized this engine quite a lot and have lots of experience developing PowerShell workflows for SMA. But as every system your need to maintain and pamper it, otherwise it will strike back at some point. We recently experienced such an […]
PowerShell – SCCM Cmdlet Library “Get-CMDeviceCollection : Specified cast is not valid.”
UPDATE: This issue has been resolved in the latest version here https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=46681 While doing some SCCM automation we bumped into an issue with the SCCM Cmdlet Library 5.0.8249.1128. When you try to execute a workflow using PowerShell Remoting in SMA like this… After some investigation we could not determine the cause of it, so the […]
PowerShell – Remote Desktop Cmdlets “A Remote Desktop Services deployment does not exist…”
Recently while automating some cool stuff I needed to create a PowerShell workflow for deploying VDI clients using Windows Server 2012 R2 Remote Desktop Services. One of the first things I always do is checking the existing PowerShell support and I figured out there is a large number of cmdlets available for managing RDS services. […]
E2EVC – Session “Business Process Automation – How it is done in a real world scenario”
Everyone talks these days about automation, services and self-service. Rarely you will find a session which is showing you a real world case showing how it is really done. I am happy to speak at the “Experts 2 Experts Virtualization Conference” in Lisbon together with my wingman Stefan Johner http://jhnr.ch/. The event takes place from […]