One common problem we all share when it comes to working with Azure is cost and “garbage”. Those two relate in proportion to each other, meaning the more “garbage” you own in Azure, the more you have to pay. Simple? Yes indeed. What do I mean in terms of “garbage”? Ok, I will ask you […]
ARM – Connect Activity Logs From Multiple Subscriptions As Log Analytics Workspace Data Source
Recently I had a requirement to automatically configure Activity Logs from multiple subscriptions to send their logs to a Log Analytics workspace. I am talking about this setting here… There are many ways how to achieve this goal. If you are into PowerShell you could use this cmdlet New-AzureRMOperationalInsightsAzureActivityLogDataSource (I like the name ), this […]
Azure Stack – Azure Stack Development Kit Meets Terraform
In this post I would like to write about my experiences using Terraform on Azure Stack Development Kit (ASDK). What is Terraform? Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions. Configuration files describe to Terraform the […]
SCOM / OMS – MP University 2017 Recording
Yes, Silect did it again! Few days ago Silect Software provided MP University 2017, an online event packed with sessions from well known names like Kevin Holman, Brian Wren and Aditya Goda from Microsoft, Marnix Wolf from Didacticum and Mike Sargent from Silect. What I like about this event is, that it is not marketing […]
SMA Authoring Toolkit – Some Runbooks Are Not Showing Up
When you are creating runbooks in SMA (Service Management Automation) and you are using the SMA Authoring Toolkit available on PowerShell Gallery, you might have also have faced a very annoying bug. If you have a certain amount of runbooks in SMA and you are browsing through the runbook list in ISE you simply cannot […]
OMS – Custom Solution “SCOM Effective Configuration”
I had been very busy lately so this blog has been quite for few days, but now I would like to provide a custom OMS solution. My goal was to build a solution which shows you the effective configuration of a monitor or rule, based on a group of objects in SCOM. I created two […]
OMS – Where Can I Find the Sealed OMS MPs / Intelligence Packs?
Sometimes you need to have the sealed version of management packs / intelligence packs which get’s downloaded from OMS. You might need them as reference in your custom management pack solutions or maybe just to explore it. You can find the management packs in your C:\Windows\Temp folder on your SCOM server. As you can see […]
SCOM 2016 – Network Monitoring MP Generator Tool
In one of my previous posts, I covered SCOM 2016 TP5 – What’s New and one of the topics mentioned was, that Microsoft will provide a tool to generate SNMP management packs. A what? Ok, let me explain. You are able to monitor network devices via SNMP. Well this is no magic and pretty common […]
Azure Automation – ISE Add-On Editing Runbooks
Well it has been a while since last post, because there is a lot going on in my private life as also in my job. But now some “tasks” are completed and I will have more time for community work again. Microsoft product machinery is running at high speed in all areas. One tool I […]
SCOM – Authoring History and System Center Visual Studio Authoring Extensions 2015
I usually don’t blog about new releases of management packs or similar things, but this time I feel I have to do so. If you have been working for some time with SCOM, you know there is a (long) history behind authoring MOM/SCOM management packs. Back in the days where MOM 2005 used to rule […]