Configuration Script Troubleshooting

SCOM 2012 – Get Rule / Monitor Details For Corresponding Workflow Name

Sometimes you receive alerts from SCOM which contain a lot of content in the description. For example in certain cases you receive alert like this…


In this description you see the workflow name Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.NetworkAdapter.PercentBandwidthUsedTotal.Collection. In some cases it is more difficult to figure out a bit more about a workflow and using the GUI search is not always the best solution. One easy way to find the corresponding rule or monitor is of course PowerShell.

Just run either the Get-SCOMRule or Get-SCOMMonitor cmdlet e.g.

Get-SCOMRule | Where-Object {$_.Name –like “*Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.NetworkAdapter.PercentBandwidthUsedTotal*”} | Select-Object *| Format-List


Get-SCOMMonitor | Where-Object {$_.Name –like “*Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.NetworkAdapter.PercentBandwidthUsedTotal*”} | Select-Object * | Format-List


Now you get the display name and other properties which help you to dive a bit deeper. Be aware that the rule is named Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.NetworkAdapter.PercentBandwidthUsedTotal.Collection and the monitor is named only Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.NetworkAdapter.PercentBandwidthUsedTotal. Therefore our workflow in the alert description is a collection rule.

If you want to find out more about the Instance ID use the Get-SCOMMonitoringObject cmdlet e.g.

Get-SCOMMonitoringObject -Id 5DCB0E4A-8A4D-8E8D-93FD-12A25CC003CD | Select-Object * | Format-List


Here you also find additional information which helps you analyzing the problem.

This is basic stuff, I know, but not all blog readers are advanced SCOM admins 😉 .

3 Replies to “SCOM 2012 – Get Rule / Monitor Details For Corresponding Workflow Name

  1. Great info – Stefan – as always, I am for a year or more a frequent reader of your blog info.
    Really appreciate this! 🙂

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