Azure Policy is an awesome service for several things in Azure like… Azure Policy is a service in Azure that you use to create, assign, and manage policies. These policies enforce different rules and effects over your resources, so those resources stay compliant with your corporate standards and service level agreements. Azure Policy meets this […]
Azure Stack – ASDK Syslog Client Meets Log Analytics
In my previous post I blogged about how to install the latest version of Azure Stack Development Kit. Release 1.1809.0.90 has a built-in syslog client which I wanted to test. Azure Log Analytics supports syslog messages and therefore I think it is a valid solution to use it with Azure Stack. Sounds very cool in […]
Azure Stack – Deploy Latest Azure Stack Development Kit 1.1809.0.90 on Azure VM
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog post how to install Azure Stack Development Kit (ASDK) 1.1018.0.97 on an Azure VM. If we want to test the latest release of Azure Stack (DK) we need to redeploy the entire VM, because there is no supported update nor upgrade process for the ASDK. So […]
Azure Stack – Azure Stack Development Kit Meets Terraform
In this post I would like to write about my experiences using Terraform on Azure Stack Development Kit (ASDK). What is Terraform? Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions. Configuration files describe to Terraform the […]
Azure Stack – Azure Stack Development Kit Azure Registration
The next step in our Azure Stack Development Kit journey is to join Azure. In order to download marketplace items from Azure and to set up commerce data reporting back to Microsoft, we will need to register Azure Stack in Azure. This is required to support full Azure Stack functionality, including marketplace syndication. If you […]
Azure Stack – Deploy Azure Stack on Azure VM
At Ignite 2018 a couple of weeks ago, I got the feeling that Microsoft is getting really serious about their hybrid cloud strategy. It may sound strange or weird, because Microsoft always used the terms hybrid cloud and announced tailored products. But in the past years, I wasn’t really sure that Microsoft will hear the […]
OMS – OMS Gateway Chaining
I had an interesting question few weeks ago, which I could not answer for sure. I was asked, if it is possible to chain OMS gateways. I would have said yes in the first place, because they are just proxies. But so far I haven’t tested it. So, I decided to build this scenario in […]
OMS – Install Linux Agent on Windows 10 Bash
Do you know these “WOW!” moments in an IT Pro’s life? Well I just had one of these moments recently when I heard about the Windows 10 Insider build feature where you can run Bash shell on Windows 10 as a dedicated subsystem. The description of the system is like this… This isn’t a virtual […]
SCOM 2012 R2 TP3 – Monitoring Apache Web Server
Few month ago, Microsoft released management packs for monitoring open source software like Apache HTTP Server or MySQL databases. In this post I would like to have an overview of monitoring Apache web server. So far there have not been many free options to actually monitor this web server, although it is a very common […]
Microsoft Azure Operational Insights – Connecting Without SCOM
I previously blogged about Microsoft Azure Operational Insights (MAOI). There are two ways you are able to connect to MAOI, first and best way 🙂 is using SCOM to connect using it’s built-in connector. Another and very easy way is to just install the Microsoft Monitoring Agent and connect this agent directly to MAOI. How […]