I would like to make you aware of a 3-part blog post series, which I have written for THE Microsoft Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog . Because I really like these blog post series and of course the blog itself a lot , I want to share it with you. The first part shows you, how […]
OMS – HTTP Data Collector API 403 (Forbidden)
Few weeks ago Microsoft released the Azure Log Analytics HTTP Data Collector API, which allows you to shoot JSON data into OMS Log Analytics. This is awesome news, because now anything is possible. This means, you are able to use (m)any script languages to send any data to OMS for further analytics and you are […]
SCOM 2016 – What’s New UNIX/Linux Series: File System Discovery e.g. Exclude /tmp
A little pain in SCOM 2012 R2 was, that as soon you installed the UNIX/Linux management packs for your distribution all UNIX/Linux folders were discovered on the file system. This could be lead to a huge list of monitored directories e.g. /tmp, /var… which was not intended to be. To overcome this problem, you would […]
SCOM 2016 – What’s New UNIX/Linux Series: Monitors and Rules Running (Any) Script e.g. Perl
One new feature I am very excited about is to run any sort of script on the UNIX/Linux agent. In SCOM 2012 R2 you had the option to run shell commands for performance rules and monitors. In SCOM 2012 R2 the monitor dialog looks like this… …and the rules wizard shows options for creating shell […]
SCOM 2016 – What’s New UNIX/Linux Series: Agent Task Running Script e.g. Perl
I assume you are familiar with creating SCOM tasks and you know there are tasks that are executed on the SCOM console side (console task) and such that are executed on the agent (agent task). In the past you had only few options, like running commands on Windows and UNIX/Linux or scripts only on Windows […]
SCOM 2016 – What’s New UNIX/Linux Series: Discovery Wizard Provide RunAs Account
I just want to start a short series “SCOM 2016 – What’s New Unix/Linux” where I show you what’s new in SCOM 2016 from a UNIX/Linux perspective. We start of with the discovery wizard. In SCOM 2012 R2 when you discovered the UNIX/Linux systems you always had to provide the credentials for deploying the agent. […]
OMS – Linux Agent Send Remote Syslog Messages to OMS
As you know OMS can receive syslog messages from its Linux agents. Well this is nothing special anymore, but there might be use cases where you cannot install a Linux agent or you might have some network devices which need to send syslog messages to OMS because you want to do some deep inspection of […]
OMS – Install Linux Agent on Windows 10 Bash
Do you know these “WOW!” moments in an IT Pro’s life? Well I just had one of these moments recently when I heard about the Windows 10 Insider build feature where you can run Bash shell on Windows 10 as a dedicated subsystem. The description of the system is like this… This isn’t a virtual […]
OMS – Agent for Linux Troubleshooting Help
In my previous post I introduced the OMS Agent for Linux. This time I would like to give you some troubleshooting starting points. There are countless possibilities for errors to occur, so it is nice to have at least a consolidated list where to find a log or configuration file. This should give you a […]
OMS – Agent for Linux Installation (Preview)
Operational Management Suite (OMS) is probably the final product of a long evolution process starting back in 2011 known as System Center Advisor, later on transforming into Microsoft Azure Operational Insight and finally into a growing management suite for Azure and on-premise services. Read my post here for more historical information on this awesome solution. […]