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SCOM 2012 SP1 – Configure Web Console HTTPS “500 – Internal server error”
Yesterday, I bumped into an issue while configuring https for the SCOM web console. As this is a IIS hosted website there is no magic configuring it. Well, I was taught something else. The SCOM environment was running on Windows Server 2012 and the SCOM 2012 SP1 had UR1 installed. Everything was running fine and […]
SCOM 2012 SP1 – Part 2: Audit Collection Services (ACS) Cross Platform Setup
In part 1 we installed the ACS collector, ACS reporting and enabled one Windows server to forward the events to the collector server ACS01. In this part we will install the cross platform part of ACS to collect the events from Linux systems.
VMM 2012 R2 – Remove Corrupted SCOM Connector
Yet another interesting SCOM problem. Today I was at a customer for fixing some SCOM issues, respectively to reinstall SCOM. The problem was, that there was a SCOM incl. VMM integration in place. Because of many issues SCOM was removed without properly removing the VMM integration. So if you tried to remove the SCOM connector […]