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SCOM 2012 – Visio and SharePoint extensions
The Operations Manager team released the Visio and SharePoint extensions for System Center Operations Manager 2012 which can be used to visualize the state of system in a dynamic diagram. These diagrams can be displayed either in Visio or SharePoint. I will test them soon… These extensions can be found here.
MS Flow – Trigger Azure Automation Webhook
In one of my previous post I showed you how you could trigger a webhook to trigger an Azure Automation runbook using IFTTT (If This Than That) . Well, the great news are that Microsoft is investing a great deal of money into a similar technology called Microsoft Flow. For a short summary and differences […]
SCOM 2012 – Microsoft Case Study
As a German motto is “Do good and talk about it!” In this post I will follow this motto. Last year I had a chance to realize a System Center Operations Manager 2012 project for a leading milk processor company located in Switzerland and certain parts of Europe. This project has been a very interesting […]