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SCOM 2012 – Add a product key to an eval version
Microsoft published KB2699998 which guides you through setting a valid license key for a SCOM 2012 evaluation version. KB can be found here.
Azure Monitor – Install AKS Monitoring Grafana Dashboard With Azure AD Integration Using Helm
In my last post I showed you how to configure Kubernetes to configure Azure Monitor scraping to collect Prometheus metrics from a GO application. This time I would like to show you how to present this data properly in a nice dashboard. Luckily Microsoft has just released an awesome looking Grafana template… …which we will […]
SCOM 2012 – Event ID 4001 GetSQL2012SPNState.vbs, Missing Database Instances
During a past SCOM engagement I was asked to implement SQL Server Management Pack 6.6.0 for monitoring SQL Server 2012. This MP is getting better with every release and works in most cases without any issue. I had two SQL Servers which were placed in the same domain and were configured identically. The only difference […]