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SCOM 2012 – Installing Pre-requisites for Web Console
Sometimes it takes time to install pre-requisites especially for the SCOM web console. There you need IIS, .NET Framework 3.5.1 and tons of IIS modules. There is a way to simplify. Use Powershell . To get an overview what has been installed type: Get-WindowsFeature If you want to see what IIS options has been installed, […]
E2EVC – Session “Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) meets Citrix”
I am very happy to have a session with my buddy MVP Stefan Johner, at the Experts 2 Experts Virtualization Conference 2016 which will take place from November 18th-20th in Rome. E2EVC is a non-commercial, virtualization and Citrix community event. The main goal of the event is to bring the best virtualization and Citrix experts […]
SCOM 2012 – Find Workflow From Windows Event
When you are deploying SCOM agents to many servers from a test or prod environment, it could happen that a server administrator steps up to you and tells you that he has many strange event log entries which are probably from SCOM. Like in this example here…