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SCOM – Exchange 2010 MP “extest_” User (?)
Have you ever installed the Exchange 2010 management pack? If you follow the management pack guide there will be a section where you can enable the synthetic transaction tests for the Exchange. Those synthetic transactions will perform several tests on your Exchange infrastructure and warn you if there is a problem with your mail flow. […]
SCOM – Editing SPN Quickly
If you are dealing with SCOM, you know that there is a lot to install and configure before it runs smoothly. One step during the installation process, is to configure the SPN (Service Principal Names) in Active Directory. In fact you need to set SPNs per SCOM management server and if you are hosting the […]
SCOM – Linux Agent Deployment “Signed certificate verification operation was not successful”
Today I ran into a problem which is not new to SCOM cross-platform monitoring but since this problem will hit you sooner or later it makes sense to write about it. This issue applies to all SCOM versions. It could well be that when you are deploying SCOM agents to your UNIX/Linux server you will […]