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System Center – RSS Feeds Collection
It doesn’t matter If you are new to the System Center stack or if you have been working many years in the System Center field, we all share the same problem. How are we keeping up with this massive amount of information dropping in every single day? There are so many excellent sources out there […]
MS Flow – Trigger Azure Automation Webhook
In one of my previous post I showed you how you could trigger a webhook to trigger an Azure Automation runbook using IFTTT (If This Than That) . Well, the great news are that Microsoft is investing a great deal of money into a similar technology called Microsoft Flow. For a short summary and differences […]
Azure Stack – Use Function To Generate SAS Token For Blob Content
Introduction When it comes to Azure Stack, a lot of customers want to know what can Azure Stack do for them or in other words what are the use cases for Azure Stack. Let’s assume you need to exchange files or any other blob content either between systems or users on-premises. This could be a […]