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SCOM 2012 – Find SCOM Object for “Unknown” ID in Alert
There are sometimes alerts which might contain some strange id’s which are not as informational as you might would like have. One way to find out what is hiding behind this id is to use a SCOM Powershell command. As an example, today I received an alert that looked like this…
User Group – IT Pro Switzerland Experts Live Cafe
I had been very busy recently organizing a new user group event. It isn’t just a user group, it is a part of the Experts Live network. What is “Experts Live Café”? The idea of Experts Live Café is, to get community members together and share know-how, get latest technology insides, socializing, networking and having […]
Not monitored Domain Controllers still showing under Windows Computers – Active Directory MP DiscoverAgentOnly
If you are monitoring Active Directory in a multi-domain environment you might only want to monitor certain domain controller because you don’t have the administrative sovereignty nor any permission to access the other systems.In that case you probably installed the SCOM agents to your domain controllers and imported the Active Directory management pack. If so […]