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Quick Post – SCOM Script Monitor Customizing Alert Name
This time I needed to build a two-state script monitor to test several file shares for availability. The script works in multiple steps… Try to access the shared folder Create a file within the share Check if the file exists Delete the file If one of the tests above would fail, we need to get […]
SCOM 2012 – Distribut Agents Evenly (50:50)
I am sure you have a small SCOM infrastructure containing 2 management servers and probably 1 SQL server. If you and your colleagues deploy SCOM agents on a daily basis it can easily happen that not all management servers receive the equal amount of agents. Maybe management server 1 has 300 agents to monitor and […]
PowerShell – Change Windows Service Login to Group Managed Service Account
Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA) are an awesome way to have Active Directory taking care of password changes for the service accounts. How to create Group Managed Service Accounts and how to assign them to Windows services you will find plenty of articles and blog posts on the internet. Group Managed Service Accounts solve you […]