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OMS – Intelligence Packs Cheat Sheet
Operations Management Suite (OMS) is one of the (probably) hottest technologies Microsoft is currently working on. If you want to bet on a horse, which will win the crazy technology race now and in the future, OMS will be a save choice. Because of that I highly recommend start using and learning OMS today. There […]
OMS – Monitor Windows Services / Processes
One thing I am missing in OMS is, to monitor windows services and processes easily. Well, there are many ways to monitor such components with OMS like: Run some sort of PowerShell script on the server to check the windows service or processes status and then use the HTTP Data Collector API to ingest the […]
In a few days the MMS 2013 will open it’s door in Las Vegas. There is no better way of explaining what MMS is or means by taking the words from the MMS 2013 website. About MMS The Microsoft Management Summit (MMS) brings together the brightest IT professionals from around the world to increase their […]