New things are not always good things or at least old habits change. I had been working on some runbooks in Orchestrator 2012 SP1 and needed to run PowerShell 3.0 and the .Net Activity.
I installed Orchestrator 2012 SP1 on Windows Server2008 R2 which has PowerShell 2.0 installed natively. Then I wanted to use the Get-SCXAgent cmdlet and hit an error:
As I am a good person I installed PowerShell 3.0 and started to build the runbook. Well, somehow I didn’t get the result I expected in my output. Next, I started digging around to see what’s wrong. If I executed the command in a regular shell (PowerShell 3.0) everything worked fine. I came across a post from Karl Prosser where he describes the problem.
Orchestrator executes it’s command still in PowerShel 2.0 instead PowerShell 3.0 if you use the Run .Net Activity. Because I wanted to see if this in Orchestrator SP1 still is an issue I build an easy runbook.
The first activity has two lines of code…
The second activity just dumps the results into a text file…
The first command is executed in a regular shell and the second command is executed in a sub shell . As the result shows, if you run regular PowerShell commands you will have a 2.o environment.
In order to have a PowerShell 3.0 environment for your Run .Net Script activity you need to call the script in a sub process and you can do that by executing the command like this…
$result = PowerShell { [Command]}
$PSEnv3 = PowerShell{$Host.Version}
Well, this issue is not brand new but still in Orchestrator SP1 something to be aware of.
Hi, and how can I get a variable result out of this shell in the shell?
I have not tried it but you also could try to add
Powershell -Version 3
at the beginnig of your script. This will load PowerShell 3.0 inside the current shell.
Hi, thanks for help but unforgently it did not work 🙁 I have heared that powershell 3.0 activity is in the new azure ip. Could not verify, thank you and kind regards
Thats the fourth Blog article i find regarding this issue.
Everytime i use the $Var = powershell{Code} – trick, the runbooks hangs and never Exits.
Im running Orchestrator 2012 R2 on Windows Server 2012 R2.
Can someone confirm?
I’m getting a Little bit tired that with every release the rules are changing for calling scripts in Orchestrator..
What exactly are you trying to run on powershell 3? I use it for some stuff and it works for me.
the same for me when i try to run the exchange snapin it never exit.
Bump! I also have the same issue.
Running the script in Exchange Management Shell works fine. But not from within Orchestrator.
Has anyone come up with a solution for this?
When I tried this my RB was also hanging. After some tinkering around I found it was a bad character that was causing the v3 powershell to hang. We were using a music symbol for a delimiter. Once I replaced that with a more common character the RB finished just fine. This was the error that occurred:
powershell : Cannot process xml from ‘Output’ stream of ‘C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe’: ‘♫
‘, hexadecimal value 0x0E, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 103.
Hope that helps.
Thanks Stefan. I like to use Invoke-Command to make sure PowerShell runs in the latest version from Orchestrator and ended up creating a template for this after using it often. It also provides a way to get the variables back as published data. Feel free to download:
This post discribes how to run the .Net Scipts always with the latest Version, with help of this reg key I was able to use the new -In and -NotIn Operators of Powershell 3.
It is tempting to try the registry trick, but it may have unintended consequences.
“While it is possible to force PowerShell 2.0 to run with .NET Framework 4.0 using various mechanisms such as creating a config file for PowerShell or editing the registry, these mechanisms aren’t supported and can have negative side effects on other PowerShell functionality such as PowerShell remoting and cmdlets with mixed-mode assemblies.”
I’m calling another PowerShell script inside a Run .NET activity. via dot sourcing. How can I make use of PowerShell { }? It doesn’t work for me, it complains
The expression after ‘.’ in a pipeline element produced an invalid object. It must result in a command name, script block or CommandInfo object.