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SCOM 2012 Visio Diagram in SharePoint 2010 – Errors
In my lab I installed SharePoint 2010 Enterprise. To do that there are several good sources on the internet. But still there are sometimes strange things happen and your Visio just does not appear in SharePoint and you just start fighting several errors. Here I am going to share my experience but remember it is […]
SCOM 2012 – Discovery Wizard running forever again
In this post here on possible cause why the discovery wizard could run forever. Last week I faced a situation where the discovery wizard for deploying Linux agents and for deploying windows agents didn’t work. The setup topology was 2 management servers SCOM 2012 and one dedicated SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 for the SCOM databases.
SCOMfaq – Sponsored by VEEAM
Today I am happy to announce my first blog sponsor VEEAM. Because they make great products especially a management pack for monitoring VMWare I am really glad to have them on board and writing about it. You can find more information about their management pack and how to System Center and VEEAM works best […]