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SCOM 2012 – Install SCOM PowerShell Modules Without SCOM Console Installation
Yes we all know less is sometimes more. This saying does not only belong to the human bodyweight, nope, since the Windows Server Core area we all know less “*.dll” is better. Like this saying, a few days ago I had been asked an interesting question. How can we use the SCOM PowerShell module without […]
SCOM – Role Permission For Scheduled Reports
Depending on the SCOM role you are using you might need to give the user the ability to see and run scheduled reports. For example you add the user into the SCOM Operator role in addition you create Report Operator role and you assign this Report Operator role permission for Reporting Services. Marnix Wolf has […]
SCOM 2012 – Find SCOM Object for “Unknown” ID in Alert
There are sometimes alerts which might contain some strange id’s which are not as informational as you might would like have. One way to find out what is hiding behind this id is to use a SCOM Powershell command. As an example, today I received an alert that looked like this…