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Summary of Permission needed – Security in SCOM
Kevin Holman has postet a valuable summary of permissions needed in SCOM. It is about accounts needed and customizing the SCOM console! Great article! You will find it here.
Azure Log Analytics – Cross Workspace Query Resolve Workspace ID
At Ignite 2017 Microsoft introduced a new functionality in Azure Log Analytics (ALA) to write queries across workspaces. This has been a long awaited feature for many customers. Why? Let’s imagine you want to provide IT services for customers and you would like to keep data separated for each customer in its own workspace. At […]
SCOM 2012 – Export Grey Agents using Powershell
There was a request in the TechNet forum to get all grey agents in SCOM 2012 using Powershell and export the Displayname and HealthState into a file. Because I haven’t seen a solution I thought I will share these few lines of code maybe you can use them also. #Import the OperationsManager module Import-Module OperationsManager […]