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SCOM 2012 – Export Grey Agents using Powershell
There was a request in the TechNet forum to get all grey agents in SCOM 2012 using Powershell and export the Displayname and HealthState into a file. Because I haven’t seen a solution I thought I will share these few lines of code maybe you can use them also. #Import the OperationsManager module Import-Module OperationsManager […]
Quick Post – Import-SCOMManagementPack : The requested management pack is not valid. See inner exception for details.
I have seen in the forum there are some difficulties using the Import-SCOMManagementPack cmdlet for SCOM 2012. Some time ago I wrote a post about how to import multiple MPs using Import-SCOMManagementPack. If you try to import just one MP you might get a meaningless error in PowerShell like this…
SCOM 2012 – Server Boot Check and Availability HTML Report (PowerShell Script)
As there are many good ideas out there and so many bright minds, you just have to pull all this energy together mix it with your own ideas and you will create wonderful things. A practical example would be the following story. A customer who likes simple things came up with an idea. Imagine you […]