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Application Insights – Getting Started…
When System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2 was released, the SCOM agent name changed to Microsoft Monitoring Agent. Almost at the same time Microsoft released a standalone version of this agent called also Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA). Currently is a preview version of Microsoft Monitoring Agent UR1 available for download. But what does that mean […]
SCOM 2012 R2 – What’s New Overview
SCOM 2012 R2 preview has been released and Microsoft has made some major investments technologies like Java APM (application monitoring for Java), Virtual Machine Manager integration, Azure monitoring and System Center Advisor. Overview:
SCOM 2012 – Event ID 4001 GetSQL2012SPNState.vbs, Missing Database Instances
During a past SCOM engagement I was asked to implement SQL Server Management Pack 6.6.0 for monitoring SQL Server 2012. This MP is getting better with every release and works in most cases without any issue. I had two SQL Servers which were placed in the same domain and were configured identically. The only difference […]