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SCOM 2012 – Linux Discovery “Unspecified failure”
Today I had a very interesting error for troubleshooting. A customer has about 150 Linux servers which he wants to monitor using SCOM 2012. The customer could deploy all Linux agents except for 4 Linux servers. After each attempt to discover one of these troublesome servers the discovery wizard ended shortly after the starting with […]
Summary of Permission needed – Security in SCOM
Kevin Holman has postet a valuable summary of permissions needed in SCOM. It is about accounts needed and customizing the SCOM console! Great article! You will find it here.
Quick Post – SCOM 2012 Where Does Widget Data Come From?
As you know SCOM 2012 provides new dashboard types (column or grid layout) which can contain widgets. Widgets are small “add-on” which are able to display different kind of SCOM data. For example state data (similar to state views) or performance data (similar to performance views). Here an example… Over on Operations Manager Team blog […]