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When you are deploying SCOM agents to many servers from a test or prod environment, it could happen that a server administrator steps up to you and tells you that he has many strange event log entries which are probably from SCOM. Like in this example here…
SCOM 2012 R2 – New PowerShell Cmdlets
I like to play around with PowerShell and I am always looking for new cmdlets Microsoft creates for us. Isn’t it like getting Christmas gifts all the time :)? Today I wanted to find out if there are any new gifts in SCOM 2012 R2 (Preview). For a reference I will compare a SCOM 2012 […]
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As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I want to get some hands on Azure Stack 1808 and therefore I will write down a couple of post to share my steps, impressions and experience. The posts are not a tutorial how to set up Azure Stack in production, it is more like to get […]