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SCOM 2012 – Find SCOM Object for “Unknown” ID in Alert
There are sometimes alerts which might contain some strange id’s which are not as informational as you might would like have. One way to find out what is hiding behind this id is to use a SCOM Powershell command. As an example, today I received an alert that looked like this…
Visio Management Pack Designer – “The dependencies for this management pack cannot be located”
This year Microsoft released the Visio Management Pack Designer (VMPD) a tool to design and create SCOM management packs using Visio. Basically it is a plug-in for Visio 2010 SP1 which adds management pack “stencils” and after the design process you are able to check for errors and then compile the “drawing” into a management […]
SCOM 2012 – Microsoft Case Study
As a German motto is “Do good and talk about it!” In this post I will follow this motto. Last year I had a chance to realize a System Center Operations Manager 2012 project for a leading milk processor company located in Switzerland and certain parts of Europe. This project has been a very interesting […]