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SCOM – Linux Agent Deployment “Signed certificate verification operation was not successful”
Today I ran into a problem which is not new to SCOM cross-platform monitoring but since this problem will hit you sooner or later it makes sense to write about it. This issue applies to all SCOM versions. It could well be that when you are deploying SCOM agents to your UNIX/Linux server you will […]
SCOMfaq – Sponsored by VEEAM
Today I am happy to announce my first blog sponsor VEEAM. Because they make great products especially a management pack for monitoring VMWare I am really glad to have them on board and writing about it. You can find more information about their management pack and how to System Center and VEEAM works best […]
SCOM 2012 R2 – Discovery was not successful “Unspecified failure” (Ubuntu 12.04)
Today I have been playing around with some other Linux distribution and I ran into a strange error. I ran the SCOM discovery wizard and the after a few seconds the wizard showed me this error….