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In a few days the MMS 2013 will open it’s door in Las Vegas. There is no better way of explaining what MMS is or means by taking the words from the MMS 2013 website. About MMS The Microsoft Management Summit (MMS) brings together the brightest IT professionals from around the world to increase their […]
Azure Dashboard – Edit Log Analytics Tiles
Sometimes there are small changes that can make you happy. In the field of monitoring you always get questions about dashboarding and presenting the monitoring data. Although the Azure portal dashboard has still some missing features like full screen and refresh interval feature. In terms of tiles it got some additional improvements. I am very […]
SCOM 2012 – Console Crash On Windows 7 x86 (32-bit)
Today I ran into an issue which I would like to share. The customer had Windows 7 clients fresh and nicely installed including SCOM 2012 SP1 console. Every time we tried to start the SCOM 2012 SP1 console Windows Error Reporting (WER) would kick in and the console crashed. The clients had Windows 7 32-bit […]