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SCOM 2012 Linux Monitoring (Lab) – Part 3.5 Agent Deployment
While publishing part 3 I run into a problem which I would like to share. Two command which you might need… To get the LINUX agents version type: rpm -q scx To uninstall a LINUX agent type (logon as root): rpm -e scx So while I tried to deploy a LINUX agent I received the […] – New Blog Design
It has been 6 years ago when I started to blog about Microsoft technologies, mainly SCOM. You might know the “old” URL was / I started with the famous Twenty Eleven theme… Between 2014 and 2015 I changed the name of the blog to and I decided to try another theme and […]
SCOM – How Data is Encrypted
Recently I got a question from a customer how SCOM traffic is encrypted. Well, I knew that the traffic IS encrypted, but how the encryption works, that is a different story. First we need to know, about what traffic we are talking about. Is it the communication between agents , respectively healthservices? Is it the […]