It has been 6 years ago when I started to blog about Microsoft technologies, mainly SCOM. You might know the “old” URL was / I started with the famous Twenty Eleven theme…
Between 2014 and 2015 I changed the name of the blog to and I decided to try another theme and started with “either-you-like-it-or-not” theme in a lovely blueish color…
I was never really happy with the layout, the way it looked and just everything made think about what will be next. Mainly because of the layout and restrictions I wanted to start all over to a new full featured WordPress blog. I finally found a nice theme and that’s where we are now.
Over the past years I had approx. 1.1 millions views on my old blog. An average of 600 views per day from almost any place on this planet…
But things change and I will maybe loose some traffic, because of dead links etc. but I will try to redirect as much I can.
Please update your links if necessary and I hope you will like the new blog as much as I do.