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Quick Post – PowerShell Blog
This blog has been up and running for a couple of years now. I mainly blog about System Center and OMS. During my daily work, I am using PowerShell a lot and sometimes I am able to figure out some cool stuff or would like to share some challenges I faced. In my opinion is […]
SCOM – Part 1 Create Excel 2013 PowerView Dashboard
Last week I had to travel to China. So far, I haven’t had any experience with Asian countries nor culture, except of the local Chinese restaurant in Switzerland. What I learned, that there are different ways to visualize common scenarios and how important it is to make the visualization readable and understandable, also for foreigners. […]
WAP – Get Windows Azure Pack Websites via PowerShell
Windows Azure Pack was Microsoft’s first attempt to bring Azure into your on-premise datacenter. The things you can do with it are limited to IaaS VM, PaaS databases and PaaS websites. In addition there is Service Bus and some networking part which is necessary for the IaaS / PaaS services. Of course there are other […]