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SCOM 2012 R2 – Web Console Error “Connection session is not found”
Today while installing SCOM in the lab faced a strange issue. When I tried to open the web console I faced this error… Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.DataAccess.DataProviderException: An error occurred executing the command: [Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.Security!DeclaredAssemblyDataProvider/GetAssemblies] in provider: [Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.Security.DeclaredAssemblyDataProvider, Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Presentation.Security, Version=7.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]. : Connection session is not found.
SCOM 2012 – Console Error Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring.Console.exe
There are different ways to install the SCOM console. One way is to install it calling the regular SCOM 2012 setup wizard and choosing the SCOM console option. The other way is executing directly the OMCONSOLE.msi package. The difference is, if you call the regular SCOM setup wizard it will check for pre-requisites. If you […]
Azure Monitor – Combine Azure Monitor and Azure Log Analytics Data in Grafana
Probably one of the biggest pain in monitoring is to provide a dashboard displaying all information needed. There are many third party solutions available but also Microsoft offers plenty of ways to display monitoring information. One feature I like very much is to have Azure Log Analytic queries exported and displayed in PowerBI. In this […]