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SCOM 2012 – Web Console Show Informational Alerts
If you use the default settings the SCOM 2012 web console shows no informational alerts in the Active Alerts view . Only warnings and critical alerts will be shown .
SCOM 2012 – Visio and SharePoint extensions
The Operations Manager team released the Visio and SharePoint extensions for System Center Operations Manager 2012 which can be used to visualize the state of system in a dynamic diagram. These diagrams can be displayed either in Visio or SharePoint. I will test them soon… These extensions can be found here.
SCOM – Part 1 Create Excel 2013 PowerView Dashboard
Last week I had to travel to China. So far, I haven’t had any experience with Asian countries nor culture, except of the local Chinese restaurant in Switzerland. What I learned, that there are different ways to visualize common scenarios and how important it is to make the visualization readable and understandable, also for foreigners. […]