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SCOM 2012 – Linux Discovery “Unspecified failure”
Today I had a very interesting error for troubleshooting. A customer has about 150 Linux servers which he wants to monitor using SCOM 2012. The customer could deploy all Linux agents except for 4 Linux servers. After each attempt to discover one of these troublesome servers the discovery wizard ended shortly after the starting with […]
SCOM 2012 R2 – Operations Manager Survival Guide
Some are might not aware that there is an excellent maintained list of very useful sources for System Center Operations Manager called The System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager Survival Guide . If you are working with SCOM this is a must have in your link list. You will find a summary of excellent blog […]
Quick Post – Windows 10 & Visual Studio 2015 Getting Started Links
I have been in the IT industry quite some time, starting from the client side and then moving towards the backend side. All these years, I used Windows operating systems starting from Windows 3.1 up to the latest and greatest Windows 10. But there is also another hot topic going on besides Windows 10 which […]