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SCSM 2016 / SCOM 2016 – SCOM 2016 Console Crashes After SCSM 2016 Console Installation
Have you ever installed System Center Service Manager 2016 and System Center Operations Manager 2016 console on the same system? Depending on the installation order, the SCOM console will crash with multiple errors like this… …and the console will appear empty or crash totally. We had the case, that the SCOM console was installed first […]
SCOM 2012 – SCOM Console Parameters How-To
Did you know that the SCOM console has also parameters you can add? Well it is nothing new because they were also available in SCOM 2007 R2 but I think it is also worth a post to show how it works and how to get the necessary information. In SCOM 2012 the executable which is […]
SCOM 2012 – Effective Configuration Viewer The PowerShell Way
A customer requested to have a capability to get an overview of the effective configured settings for rules / monitors and its values for Windows Computer objects. For some administrators browsing through the SCOM console is just too time consuming and / or too complicated. There are not many ways of providing a simple solution […]