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SCOM 2012 – Event ID 7011 Service Control Manager Error
At a customers SCOM infrastructure I faced a very strange problem. The SCOM infrastructure consists of 2 management servers and 1 SQL server. Only one of the management servers stopped in certain time intervals responding to the agents and encountered the following symptoms: All agent computer which had this management server as primary management server […]
SCOM 2012 – Event ID 4001 GetSQL2012SPNState.vbs, Missing Database Instances
During a past SCOM engagement I was asked to implement SQL Server Management Pack 6.6.0 for monitoring SQL Server 2012. This MP is getting better with every release and works in most cases without any issue. I had two SQL Servers which were placed in the same domain and were configured identically. The only difference […]
PowerShell – Create a Credential Object with NULL Password
In one of my automation tasks I had the need to create a credential object with a $null password – an empty / NULL password. One easy way to do is, create just instantiate a new secure string object using the new() constructor from the .Net class like this: or using New-Object cmdlet like this […]