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In my last post I showed you how to configure Kubernetes to configure Azure Monitor scraping to collect Prometheus metrics from a GO application. This time I would like to show you how to present this data properly in a nice dashboard. Luckily Microsoft has just released an awesome looking Grafana template… …which we will […]
SCOM 2012 – Event ID 31557 Health Service Modules
Strange things happen all the time but sometimes nobody can explain them why they happen. A relatively new SCOM 2012 installation was functioning well until a certain moment. I would like to blog about this behavior it might help somebody to get the same or similar problem solved. As I mentioned before this new and […]
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I have been in the IT industry quite some time, starting from the client side and then moving towards the backend side. All these years, I used Windows operating systems starting from Windows 3.1 up to the latest and greatest Windows 10. But there is also another hot topic going on besides Windows 10 which […]