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SCOM 2012 – Maintenance Mode Tool V 1.0
From my customers and also in the forums I hear and read frequently the questions about setting maintenance mode from a monitored server. Let’s assume you are an administrator and you need to put your file server in maintenance mode. How are you going to set maintenance mode? Well there are many ways, let’s just […]
Azure Automation – Twitter + IFTTT + Webhook = Start Runbook
I assume you know Twitter and you probably also know what a webhook is, right? No? Ok, a webhook is just a HTTP POST. In Azure Automation we are able to create a webhook for a runbook. This runbook will “consume” the webhook request (URL) + post data and start the runbook. The cool thing […]
SCOM – Class Hierarchy & Management Pack Details
If you have been working with SCOM for some time, you want to know more what is going on under the hood. You might want to know, how classes relate to each other or maybe what the management pack contains what kind of elements like monitors, rules, tasks, views and so on. In other terms […]