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SCOM – Authoring History and System Center Visual Studio Authoring Extensions 2015
I usually don’t blog about new releases of management packs or similar things, but this time I feel I have to do so. If you have been working for some time with SCOM, you know there is a (long) history behind authoring MOM/SCOM management packs. Back in the days where MOM 2005 used to rule […]
Azure Automation – Twitter + IFTTT + Webhook = Start Runbook
I assume you know Twitter and you probably also know what a webhook is, right? No? Ok, a webhook is just a HTTP POST. In Azure Automation we are able to create a webhook for a runbook. This runbook will “consume” the webhook request (URL) + post data and start the runbook. The cool thing […]
Microsoft Azure Operational Insights – Connecting Without SCOM
I previously blogged about Microsoft Azure Operational Insights (MAOI). There are two ways you are able to connect to MAOI, first and best way 🙂 is using SCOM to connect using it’s built-in connector. Another and very easy way is to just install the Microsoft Monitoring Agent and connect this agent directly to MAOI. How […]