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SMA – ISE Add-On Editing Runbooks
A couple of month ago Microsoft released the latest (updated) version of PowerShell 5.0 . Why is this worth writing about? Well, with every new release there are some fantastic goodies included, you just need to discover them :). One of these goodies is (my) long awaited runbook editing capability for ISE. In this post […]
SCOM 2012 – Operations Manager 2012 Sizing Helper Tool
Microsoft just released the new Operations Manager 2012 Sizing Helper Tool. There was a similar Tool (basically it is an Excel sheet) for SCOM 2007 R2. But now there is also some guidance on Best Practices Disk Configuration, SQL Temp DB, High Availability and Network Monitoring. This tool can be found here .
SCOM 2012 R2 – What’s New Overview
SCOM 2012 R2 preview has been released and Microsoft has made some major investments technologies like Java APM (application monitoring for Java), Virtual Machine Manager integration, Azure monitoring and System Center Advisor. Overview: