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SCOM – Authoring History and System Center Visual Studio Authoring Extensions 2015
I usually don’t blog about new releases of management packs or similar things, but this time I feel I have to do so. If you have been working for some time with SCOM, you know there is a (long) history behind authoring MOM/SCOM management packs. Back in the days where MOM 2005 used to rule […]
Power BI – AAD Activity Logs App: The credentials provided for the AADData source are invalid
Power BI used to have Content Packs which were a way to package up your dashboards, reports, Excel workbooks and datasets for Power BI. Microsoft changed it now to so called Apps, probably to be consistent with their Azure terms. There is an interesting App for Azure Active Directory to analyze the Activity Logs. If […]
Microsoft Azure Operational Insights – Connecting Without SCOM
I previously blogged about Microsoft Azure Operational Insights (MAOI). There are two ways you are able to connect to MAOI, first and best way 🙂 is using SCOM to connect using it’s built-in connector. Another and very easy way is to just install the Microsoft Monitoring Agent and connect this agent directly to MAOI. How […]