Management Pack Recommended

SCOM 2012 MP–Management Group Information Report Version 0.1

I have been playing around for some time with the new SCOM PowerShell cmdlets and I wanted to write a management pack. So I combined both worlds and Management Group Information MP was born. The idea behind this “project” is to get all information from the SCOM infrastructure I possibly need as easy and as quick as possible.

Basically it is a monitor which runs a PowerShell script to generate a HTML report. You can get the report by executing a console task or just browsing to the folder on the file system. In addition a compressed folder (zip) is being generated which will be used maybe in a later scenario e.g. you could advise the SCOM administrator to send you this zip file. What you get is the html report including CSS formatting file.

This MP works in my lab and is in an experimental state :). I would appreciate if you could send me some more ideas / input e.g. which information in the report you are missing. Maybe you have suggestions how to improve this MP.

I tested it in my lab using a copy of System Center Operations Manager 2012 RC and Windows 2008 R2 SP1. I used the SCOM 2007 R2 Authoring Console and Notepad ++ to modify the MP.

The MP contains the following components:

  • Monitor
  • Console Task
  • Run As Profile
  • Script

What’s going on…


This is a two state monitor targeted at the RMS(E) under the configuration node. If the PowerShell script generates an error it will throw the error as an alert. There is one known issue (see below). The monitor runs every 30 seconds, which is too frequently for production, but perfect for debugging Smiley. You can easily override to some other interval. You can check if the monitor runs by checking the health explorer and also an event id 21 will be logged in the Operations Manager event log on the RMS Emulator.


Events in Operations Manager event log:


Run As Profile:

I associated the monitor with a run as profile “Management Group Information Account”. The run as account needs local Administrator permission on the RMS(E) and Operations Manager Administrator permission. Create a runs as account with these permissions and associate it with the “Management Group Information Account” profile.



This is the meat behind this MP. First the script creates on the c:\ drive on the RMS(E) two folders c:\MGInformation\html and c:\MGInformation\zip (only if they don’t exist). Then it will call several SCOM cmdlets and WMI queries to gather the information. After that it will dump it into a HTML file (info.html) and also generate a CSS file (style.css). As a last part it will bundle it into a zip file (


Console Task:

I created a console task “Get Management Group Report” it is target at any System Center Managed Computer. So you should be able to click any computer in Windows Computer view and run the task. Be aware that this task just works on the RMS(E) console because it executes the local Internet Explorer which opens the local HTML report in c:\MGInformation\info.html.



The report is located in c:\MGInformation\html\info.html. It is divided into several sections which give some detailed information about each subject.

  • Management Servers
  • User Roles
  • RMS Emulator
  • Gateway Servers
  • SCOM Agents
  • SCOM Agentless
  • Management Packs (sealed/unsealed)
  • Licensing Information
  • Top 10 Alerts
  • SCOM Connectors
  • Registry Settings

This information is pretty much all self-explaining I don’t think there is much to talk about.

Here two screenshots of the report:



Known issue:

While running the script an alert is generated:


You can fix this error by changing in file OM10.CrossPlatform.psd1 the value  Powershellversion to 2.0 or just override the monitor not to generate an alert. I am not sure why this script will check for PS 3.0 .


You can download the management pack here: Skydrive

6 Replies to “SCOM 2012 MP–Management Group Information Report Version 0.1

  1. Hey Stefan

    Pretty cool solution! I will test it in my environment when i find some time. If you allow it I will take some parts to adopt this for Service Manager as this would be very valuable 🙂


    1. Hi Marcel!

      Yes of course feel free to use it. It is “Open Source” :). Maybe we can exchange ideas, techniques etc. to improve each others MP.



  2. I have a few suggestions . . .
    I think it would be very helpful to also list the server where the Operations Manager database is, Data Warehouse DB, ACS Collectors and their respective DB’s. Possibly also which version of SQL Servers are used on the DB’s.


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