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Azure Monitor – Combine Azure Monitor and Azure Log Analytics Data in Grafana
Probably one of the biggest pain in monitoring is to provide a dashboard displaying all information needed. There are many third party solutions available but also Microsoft offers plenty of ways to display monitoring information. One feature I like very much is to have Azure Log Analytic queries exported and displayed in PowerBI. In this […]
SCOM 2012 – Console Crash On Windows 7 x86 (32-bit)
Today I ran into an issue which I would like to share. The customer had Windows 7 clients fresh and nicely installed including SCOM 2012 SP1 console. Every time we tried to start the SCOM 2012 SP1 console Windows Error Reporting (WER) would kick in and the console crashed. The clients had Windows 7 32-bit […]
Azure Monitor – Modify Alerts Using Logic App
I am a big fan of Azure Monitor and Azure in general. What I like is the service offers, the flexibility, standards and the chance that you can build basically anything you want – the limit is your imagination. In terms of flexibility I have a nice example which was bothering me for some time. […]