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Global Azure Bootcamp Switzerland 2017 – Speaker
This year is the first time I will be speaking at the Global Azure Bootcamp Switzerland together with my buddy MVP Stefan Johner. Stefan and I will talk about Microsoft Operations Management Suite (MS OMS) and put some light on the different pillars of OMS. So what is this Global Azure Bootcamp thing? All around […]
SCOM 2012 – Monitor SMA Runbook Instance (VSAE Sample MP)
When you are starting to automate processes in your company you soon will find out, that not all runbooks will run for a short time. There are also cases where you need a runbook, which is using a loop to monitor certain things or trigger other runbooks. In other words, there are cases where you […]
SCOM – Check Size of Databases (SQL Standard Reports)
If you want to know how much space your OperationsManger database is using you could run a SQL Report. Because it is a feature from SQL Server 2008 R2 it’s easily overseen I just want to show an example.