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SCOM 2012 SP1 – Upgrading Linux Agent From SCOM 2007 R2
This week I was working for an international customer. The customer had a SCOM 2007 R2 CU5 infrastructure installed on Windows 2008 R2 SP1 servers with ~800 Windows agents and ~250 Unix based agents which they were going to migrate to SCOM 2012 SP1 UR2 installed on Windows Server 2012 in a side-by-side scenario. Because […]
Geekmania 2012 – Holding two Sessions
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Quick Post – Check Linux Certificate Issued by SCOM
I assume you have already deployed SCOM and you are monitoring Linux or another kind of UNIX derivate. If you are new to cross platform monitoring I recommend my older blog posts in the Xplat category . SCOM uses certificates to communicate with the Linux/UNIX agent. These certificates are signed by a randomly chosen management […]