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SCOM – New “Friday Rules” Series…Let’s Rule!
Today I would like to announce “Friday Rules”. Yes, of course Friday rules, but in my context I am going to publish short videos about the monitoring rules in SCOM always on a Friday. My goal is to show a short example (10-15 minutes) how you can create rules and what those can do for […]
itnetx – Winner of the “Microsoft Partner of the Year Award 2013”
Yes it is unbelievable but we did it again. Yesterday itnetx received from Microsoft Switzerland the “Partner of the Year 2013 –Datacenter” award – the third time in a row :). This award shows also the passion and dedication of itnetx for delivering the best possible solution for its customers. And now let’s get ready […]
SCOM 2016 – What’s New UNIX/Linux Series: File System Discovery e.g. Exclude /tmp
A little pain in SCOM 2012 R2 was, that as soon you installed the UNIX/Linux management packs for your distribution all UNIX/Linux folders were discovered on the file system. This could be lead to a huge list of monitored directories e.g. /tmp, /var… which was not intended to be. To overcome this problem, you would […]