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Microsoft Azure Operational Insights – Mobile App Available
I have blogged previously about Microsoft Azure Operational Insights which is still in a preview stage and you can test it free of charge. Microsoft did already a great job visualizing all the data collected by the Intelligence Packs. At this moment you are also able to have all this information on your Windows Phone. […]
OMS – Where Can I Find the Sealed OMS MPs / Intelligence Packs?
Sometimes you need to have the sealed version of management packs / intelligence packs which get’s downloaded from OMS. You might need them as reference in your custom management pack solutions or maybe just to explore it. You can find the management packs in your C:\Windows\Temp folder on your SCOM server. As you can see […]
SCOM 2012 – Server Boot Check and Availability HTML Report (PowerShell Script)
As there are many good ideas out there and so many bright minds, you just have to pull all this energy together mix it with your own ideas and you will create wonderful things. A practical example would be the following story. A customer who likes simple things came up with an idea. Imagine you […]