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PowerShell – PowerShellGet Module “Publish-PSArtifactUtility : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter ‘ElementValue’”
In PowerShell 5.0, Microsoft introduced the PowerShellGet module. This module contains cmdlets for different tasks. E.g. it lets you easily install / upload PowerShell modules / scripts from and to an online gallery such as It even lets you find scripts, modules and DSC resources in such repositories. This is a fantastic way to […]
SCOM – How Data is Encrypted
Recently I got a question from a customer how SCOM traffic is encrypted. Well, I knew that the traffic IS encrypted, but how the encryption works, that is a different story. First we need to know, about what traffic we are talking about. Is it the communication between agents , respectively healthservices? Is it the […]
SCOM 2012 – Get Rule / Monitor Details For Corresponding Workflow Name
Sometimes you receive alerts from SCOM which contain a lot of content in the description. For example in certain cases you receive alert like this… In this description you see the workflow name Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.NetworkAdapter.PercentBandwidthUsedTotal.Collection. In some cases it is more difficult to figure out a bit more about a workflow and using the GUI search […]