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SCOM 2012 – Using Alert Custom Fields
In today’s world of monitoring it is not always easy for people from the service desk or even for administrators to identify from which system is this alert being sent, who is responsible for the system and maybe in a multitenant environment to which company belongs this system/alert. In my case a company which is hosting […]
Microsoft Azure Operational Insights – Connecting Without SCOM
I previously blogged about Microsoft Azure Operational Insights (MAOI). There are two ways you are able to connect to MAOI, first and best way 🙂 is using SCOM to connect using it’s built-in connector. Another and very easy way is to just install the Microsoft Monitoring Agent and connect this agent directly to MAOI. How […]
Microsoft Azure Operational Insights – Search Data Explorer Cheat Sheet
At TechEd Europe Microsoft officially announced Microsoft Azure Operational Insights. If you are not familiar with it check my previous posts about this new “tool”. Behind all these sexy dashboards there is also a very powerful search engine called “Search Data Explorer”. It uses a search window where you can enter a query to get […]