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Simple script which checks the modified time (hours) of a log file
Recently I had to monitor a backup log file. If the modification time stamp of the log file was later than at a certain time then SCOM should fire a warning. In my case if the file was modified later than at 05:00 o’clock (24-hour time notation) an alert should occur. There was no characteristic […]
Orchestrator 2012 SP1 – PowerShell 3.0, Run .Net Activity and Get-SCXAgent
New things are not always good things or at least old habits change. I had been working on some runbooks in Orchestrator 2012 SP1 and needed to run PowerShell 3.0 and the .Net Activity. I installed Orchestrator 2012 SP1 on Windows Server2008 R2 which has PowerShell 2.0 installed natively. Then I wanted to use the […]
SCOM 2012 R2 – What’s New Overview
SCOM 2012 R2 preview has been released and Microsoft has made some major investments technologies like Java APM (application monitoring for Java), Virtual Machine Manager integration, Azure monitoring and System Center Advisor. Overview: