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ARM – Connect Activity Logs From Multiple Subscriptions As Log Analytics Workspace Data Source
Recently I had a requirement to automatically configure Activity Logs from multiple subscriptions to send their logs to a Log Analytics workspace. I am talking about this setting hereā¦ There are many ways how to achieve this goal. If you are into PowerShell you could use this cmdlet New-AzureRMOperationalInsightsAzureActivityLogDataSource (I like the name ), this […]
MS Flow – Trigger Azure Automation Webhook
In one of my previous post I showed you how you could trigger a webhook to trigger an Azure Automation runbook using IFTTT (If This Than That) . Well, the great news are that Microsoft is investing a great deal of money into a similar technology called Microsoft Flow. For a short summary and differences […]
Azure – Azure Mask
I really like to do presentations about the latest and greatest Microsoft Azure technology. One big security problem I always have is that e.g. Subscription ID, email addresses, keys etc. are visible on a big screen or visible in the session recordings afterwards. A very nice tool to hide such sensitive information is a browser […]