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Azure Monitor – Application Insights Status Monitor v2 (Part 1)
Do you have a .NET application running somewhere in your datacenter or in the cloud and you have the need to monitor it properly? Maybe you need some APM tool or you just want to diagnose, if there are any failure or issues and what it might be causing these problems? In addition, you might […]
Azure Dashboard – Execute Azure Log Analytics Queries
Building good, meaningful dashboards for monitored components is one of the hardest disciplines in a monitoring guys life – at least in my opinion. One little known hero in the Azure dashboard world is the “Markdown” tile… It has the power of running HTML fragments inside as you can see in the sample text provided… […]
SMA – Invoke Runbook Error “Cannot find the ‘’command.”
This is just a quick post about SMA. I bumped many times in this error while writing PowerShell workflows in SMA … …and I figured out that there are many reasons for this error. If you are nesting runbooks like this… Several reasons could lead to this problem: The child workflow does not exist in […]