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Have you ever installed System Center Service Manager 2016 and System Center Operations Manager 2016 console on the same system? Depending on the installation order, the SCOM console will crash with multiple errors like this… …and the console will appear empty or crash totally. We had the case, that the SCOM console was installed first […]
Azure Monitor – Monitoring Kubernetes (AKS) Sample Application Using Prometheus Scraping
Kubernetes is a proven and booming technology on Azure and so it is no surprise, that we need to monitor the Kubernetes infrastructure layer as well as the applications running on top of Kubernetes. A while ago Microsoft released Azure Monitor for containers, which gives you a good health and performance status of your Azure […]
Orchestrator – Another Useful Runbook for SCOM 2012 SP 1
There are certain situations respectively alerts where you can not decide to override or not to override. You would like to see the alert for a certain time but then it should disappear after a short time. I think you know what I mean. I am talking about the informational alerts. Those alerts are somehow […]